Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's Grant Writing Time

It is time for our yearly technology grant to be written and I have been asked to provide input. Please share the technology that you find the most invaluable in your classroom and how you utilize it in your classroom to increase student learning or productivity. If you could share your content area and grade level that would help me to organize the information. We have many SMARTboards in our school; I am particularly interested in innovative uses of interactive whiteboards and accessories to enhance their effectiveness. Thanks for your time and help!


  1. Question...How much money do you have to spend? That makes a difference in what I would recommend.

  2. I wasn't given an amount, each year we decide on what we would like and then we see what we can get. If I can support my choices, I'll share this blog with my administrator the more likely it will be that I get what is requested. Thanks for your input.

  3. I use the Senteo clicker system from SMART in my classroom. Each student gets a remote control while a receiver is hooked up to the computer. Questions are presented to the students using the Notebook software from the SMARTBoard. The system allows you to track individual students over time as well as complete classes for comparison. The students love them. They are constantly asking if we can use them more. I typically hand them out at the beginning of the class and throughout the lesson assess their learning to ensure that my students are getting the concepts.

  4. My school provides a Promethean Board in each classroom. My students and I, enjoy the activities we can do with this board. I use United Streaming for video for history lessons. I can pull up on-line lessons and activities to be viewed on the Promethean and some are interactive, allowing for the lesson to be more student centered. I do not have the clickers, but can get them from the media center. This is something students enjoy, because it draws their attention to the activity and requires them to focus on the lesson, since they are voting or responding consistently, throughout the lesson. My students enjoy using technology for learning.

  5. I have seen document cameras really transform some teachers. It is so easy to display student work, and the students love coming to the "Elmo" and teaching the class. Math teachers can use manipulatives with them, and there is no longer a need for transparencies or vis-a-vis markers. If you already have LCD projectors, I am guessing that document cameras could save money over time.

  6. Hi Tracy!
    I teach 7th grade English and have a Promethean Board (a type of smartboard, I guess). I love it! It has revitalized my teaching and really engaged my students. I love being able to look up something quickly using the easy Internet access, create a quick vote to assess student learning or clarify confusion, and use the interactiveness to keep students thinking and moving. No need for overheads, transparancies, etc. I can easily change something or add new content in just a few minutes. I also have access to wireless computer carts (16 computers) and that has been wonderful for my students to do research for persuasive essays and other projects. It's not nearly as hard to book computer time!

  7. Donna, Thanks for your response. Do you have a quick response system also (like Senteo)?
